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For many years, professional gamblers have used certain card counting tecniques to cercumvent the "house" edge in the game of blackjack. A skilled blackjack player can indeed tip the odds in their favor by using carefully crafted tecqniques. Get the information the casinos don't want you to know.

The trick that professional gamblers use is card counting. It may be done in one of two ways. The first way is simple card counting. This may be used only in single or double deck games. It is counting how many face cards and aces have been played. For example, if there are three players in the shoot and there are only 2 face cards played, then you may logically assume that the following shoot will contain an elevated number of face cards.

The second method of card counting and the one used by the vast majority of professional gamblers is system card counting. The 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 cards count as +1. Face cards and Aces count as -1. That is all there is to it.

Application of the principals of card counting vary from player to player. One strategy is when the count is at +4 or above to double your bet. The reason for this is that blackjacks pay 3 to 2, so in a sense you are mining for blackjacks. Also, if the count is -4 or less, you may want to lessen your bet or abstain from the hand alltogether.

The application of this also applies to to doubling down. I the count is -2 or less, don't double down under any circumstances, even if the dealer shows a bust card. However, if the count is positive and the dealer shows anything other than a face card or ace, then double on a 9, 10 or 11.